Availability: in stock


Pages: 244
Language: English
ISBN 9791220148832

SKU: 9791220148832 Categories: , Tag:

Set in contemporary South Africa, the story unfolds as we witness through the eyes of a boy the discovery of a world he did not know existed outside the boundaries of his little village and modest home. Fretted unspeakably and suddenly by his mother to flee away with an apparent trusted stranger with no given destination and forced by design to an escapist adventure full of wonders, young teenager Themba takes us on a journey permeated by mystery, secrets, beauty, possibilities, unmissable chances, danger, harsh realities and lucky moments aided by favorably unforeseen twists and turns of events, and fairytale-like reunions. The novel is compelling and engaging. The characters Themba encounters on his path are well rounded and the situations full of details. The African landscape and its vivid wildlife diversity are also ever-present protagonists on this scenic route filling the modern story with karmic nuances, sprinkled with magically ancestral wisdom and ritualistic folklore. The book is certainly suitable for both adults and kids aged 13 and above.

Hennie Jones was born in extremely poor circumstances on 23rd August 1942 in Modderdrift in the Vioolsdrift area on the banks of the Orange River between South Africa and Namibia. The author grew up moving around with his large family in South West Africa; while living in modest dwellings, changing several schools and colleges until reaching adulthood when he started working in the government service and police while studying extra mural at the University of Pretoria and Bloemfontein where he obtained the degrees B.A. Hons., M.A., D. Litt., and a Higher Diploma in Education. He worked as a language teacher (Afrikaans, English and German) in different schools in Namibia and South Africa and as senior teacher, head of department, principal, inspector for schools and director for education, mostly for learners of African origin. He joined several South African Universities as lecturer, senior lecturer, professor and dean of arts until his retirement. During this time, he wrote different articles for magazines and did extensive research on Khoisan folklore. After retirement he continued teaching in several schools (Afrikaans, English, History, German and Maths). During this time he wrote several published books in Afrikaans and English and worked on translations. He enjoys nature, wildlife, rural areas of the African countries and the Gariep Dam where he settled on the bank of the Orange River.


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